“somewhere out there……an ass…….needs whuppin. Poppi: squinting through amber Highway Patrol style sun glasses: Miho: “Well let’s pull over by these conveniently placed sand dunes and look at this flashing light some more…” Poppi: “No son,that’s the freedom beacon warning us that once again, SOME DOUCHEBAG NEEDS TO BE FUGGIN’ RAG DOLLED….old chum” Kcir Gonzales.Mc.Suarte…or whatever.: “Poppi! That red murderlight is flashing again!” Scene 1: Red emergency light flashes on RV dashboard.

only happened one time that I can think of … because one man refused to be King only way is a military coup & a voluntary ceding of power to civilian authority … hasn’t worked out too well throughout history the fed gov’t will not let its tax base to just peacefully walk away.

There is no way a civil succession will work. hell, they won’t even take their kids out of publicly owned, publicly funded school that they can see are deliberately trying to harm them, ffs! I really don’t see that sort of commitment in average folks. they end up sinking on their own built-up bureaucratic inertia & citizen ‘malaise’) (all governments end up this way … if they last long enough. The man who won a civil war, because he had the backing of the astronomical growth & power over the nation, couldn’t reign it in & his administration ushered in the beginning of the graft & corruption we are oppressed by today Sorry, WB, but the fed became the ‘behemoth monstrosity’ long before any one of us was a mere gleam in our daddy’s eyes. The sad thing is that 80% – 90% of People in the city believe this shit. Think about that total bullshit message! And the entire media is carrying it. Toronto City just issued a warning to health care workers to not where your uniforms in public or go outside of Hospitals for breaks during a protest scheduled for this weekend. However, They do admit that there has been NO VIOLENCE. From day one MSM has carried the Government message Stating the protest is a public safety issue. He will happily hang out at his Government paid cottage until the bare shelves eventually turn the public against the Truckers. He did a mental health Commercial yet all the comments on Y-tube clearly show that the public blames him for the Mental health lockdowns have created. Turdeau does not care that people are suffering. He is Playing Victim like the brat that punches a bigger kid in the arm regularly and when the big kid finally has enough he hauls off and cracks the brat in the face and gets expelled. I really love what the truckers are doing, but the reality that no one wants to admit is that they didn’t chase Turdeau away.